Cost Containment Services
Medical Cost Containment

SFUR defines medical cost containment as the process of leveraging medical and business knowledge to potentially lower the cost of medical bills.
We provide review, assessment and negotiation of medical cost, using a variety of methods which include, Separation of Charges, Coding Validation, Medical Necessity, State & Payer Specific Rules and Reasonable Charge Analysis.
Medical Cost Containment Services
DRG Claims Service provides expertise in identifying, correcting, and obtaining verified changes to DRG coding errors. SFUR licenses a customized pre-payment DRG auditing program that flags potential problem claims that are reviewed initially by nurses and if a clinical review is required, physicians perform the full clinical chart review.
SFUR Ensures DRG Claims compliance and integrity with provider-verified audit results with a customized service model for managed care payers.
Our clinical and business leadership brings decades of experience in cost containment in every payer-based and managed care setting.